
Adventures of a new babe

Busy Bee February 28, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — rachnich @ 5:01 pm
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I cannot believe in a few short days I will have a 6 month old! Addyson is such a busy busy little girl.  I have a bad feeling she is going to give Josh and I a run for our money.

This morning she woke up early (9:15ish), yes that is early to us! And she was a chatty mcgee all morning.  Non stop chats, it is pretty cute! While she was talking she said dada! This was her first time say it, she normally sticks with yaya’s.  But today its baba dada yaya she is also saying other things, but this mother doesn’t understand! haha. ( edit!)

We are now giving Ad “cookies” aka mum mums. she loves them! When she sees the package she gets pretty excited!

She pretty much destroys it as soon as she gets her hands on them!

Last week we were lucky enough to have a little quick visit with Uncle Ben, no not the famous rice man, though I wish it was him.  He was in town for work, so Callie and Auntie Kristen weren’t able to come. Ad was pretty sad about that, however her bff did send her a little something! We LOVE knit hats in this house!

Babe is now asleep! And I have to get my packing done!! We are going to Arizona is a few weeks, but my father in law is leaving on thursday, and has offered to take down our suitcase we would normally check (he is flying south west! free baggage, where as we are flying air canada $25 baggage!)  So I need to get organized stat! ps. Im a terrible packer!


Bad Habits February 14, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — rachnich @ 3:32 pm
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Yesterday I taught poor Addy a terrible habit! Eating in front of the TV, this is something that we don’t normally do. But it was Bachelor Monday so I allowed it just this once. I quickly learned my lesson Addyson+food+TV=DISASTER.  Her cereal ended up everywhere, but in her mouth. She also thought that it would be a fun game to blow raspberries with her mouth full!  At one point she thought she should be in charge of the spoon. That also did not fair well for either of us. In the end the cereal did get eaten but she was far more  interested in who Ben was going to give the rose too!


*Now these pictures may not look too bad, but we pride ourselves in being clean eaters, and yesterday she was far from that*


Sitting, Teeth and Diamonds February 10, 2012

Filed under: Uncategorized — rachnich @ 3:47 pm

OK so I have been slack on this mainly because I wanted to add pictures and video, but due to uploading problems with my phone, and fear my computer might crash if I load all the pic of Addy onto it,  I have decided to update sans photo!

We decided a couple weeks ago that it was time for Josh and  I to go on a date! So we went to the movies (we had great coupons from empire that were also about to expire). The only movie that was playing not too early and not too late was One for the Money,  I enjoyed it! Josh however did not.

We left Addyson with her Grandpa N, and Aunt Kate, who brought  Ads cousin Lyric over for a play date! I was so nervous she was going to be a crankster, which she had been a lot that week. But sure enough when we went to pick her up she had been all laughs and smiles for them!  I had a sneaking suspicion that my girl had maybe cut her tooth, and sure enough tooth TWO was in! they are growing in even more now, little baby teeth are, I think, the cutest things!

When people tell you to enjoy every moment because babies grow so fast, LISTEN to them! I can’t believe how big Addy is getting and she is not even 6 months. We have been working on her sitting skills for a while now, and she can finally do it! She looks so cute to me when she sits and plays!

Before we even had Addyson, Josh and I talked about whether or not we would pierce our babies ears. At the time I was all for it, and Josh was I think even more excited to do it than I was.  She received her very FIRST earrings 2 days after she was born! So the hype was there for her to get them done. But after she was born I feel so in love with her perfectness, and feared getting those soft perfect lobes pierced. Anyways,  I finally decided that soon she would be playing and grabbing at her ears, so if we were going to get them done as a babe, now would be the time! I bit the bullet, we went and got them done last friday with Grandma N! My baby girl did so well! She hated having Josh hold her head still, but after her ears were done she only cried for maybe 5mins!  And I must say she does look pretty cute! (she looked pretty cute without them too).

hope this was worth the wait..hahahaha. I will attempt to get more pictures on here asap.